Ah shit, here we go again.

It’s been a while.

I’ve been meaning to post a few posts since my last post (which is just a week past two years ago), but whenever I wrote something, I decided against publishing it because it sounded so petty, so selfish, so narrow-minded. “K, there’s people that are dying, and you have the guts to write about your reflections and your personal life?” I’m sorry guys, if you keep up with me you’ll realize at one point that all my posts have been about my personal life. As much as I want to write about a topic that would make me sound sophisticated (say, tech, or public health, or even better, chemistry), nothing feels more organic (🙄), more free-flowing, than my thoughts. Truth be told, I’m just lazy (ha!) to do proper research before publishing in my own blog—this is not a term paper, ffs. I write here to think out loud (or what’s the visual equivalent of out loud? Clear as day? Whatever.)

I’ve been wanting to share with the world what actually happened: the thing that snapped me and pushed me over the edge. It will sound petty, not gonna lie, but I guess if two years’ worth of reflection can help someone out there who might be struggling with what I went (and go) through, it’d be mean not to share, I guess.

I’ve also been wanting to provide quality content and not just talk about moi all the time, really. I don’t want to be that myopic human being whose insights are limited by the things he chooses to see. I’ll learn to discuss more general things, probably starting with things life has taught me the hard way, as always. And for that, I guess I have to overcome my laziness and do proper research from time to time.

Time to flex my writing muscles before the writing period begins.

Again, a selfish reason to write. Insufferable.

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